Information about the Tampa Bay Vegetarians
A social group of people who patronize vegetarian restaurants or encourage vegetarian options at regular restaurants; network with other vegetarians; provide information about sources of food, food preparation, and related health issues; and provide cultural entertainment with ethnic foods.Although most of the members are strict vegetarians, non-vegetarians attend dinners for information and support in moving toward a meatless lifestyle.
Membership and Dues
Dues are $12.00 per year for a single person, $15.00 per household. All memberships expire at the end of a calendar year. The minimum age to attend dinners is 14. Younger children are welcome at picnics only. Non-members can attend dinners for $2.00 per person in addition to the price of the dinner. Click here for the Membership Application. Bring the form to the next dinner meeting or mail to the address on the form.Dinner Meetings
Dinner meetings are usually held monthly on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7 p.m. at select restaurants in Pinellas and Hillsborough counties.If you do not have e-mail, or if you want to cancel your reservation, please call one of our reservations volunteers - Debby at (727) 432-3327 or Michael at (813) 269-4665 – 24 hours prior to the dinner. If you sign up after the reservations deadline has passed, you will be added to the waiting list.
Staying Informed
An occasional newsletter will be distributed to members at dinner meetings.Do you want to receive e-mail notifications of our events? Use the Join Our Mailing List widget on the right to receive all messages posted to the TBV. This is the only way to receive TBV updates, so you must do this if you want to receive e-mail or reader notifications of our events.
Restaurant of the Year
At the last dinner meeting of the year, a vote is taken by all members for the Restaurant of the Year based on rating sheets collected at each dinner during the year. The January dinner is held at the winning restaurant and we present the restaurant with an award certificate.Please visit our Contact Us page if you have any questions.